AJ Krow
Aug 7, 2022


Should you bother getting an MBA? There’s not much point in wasting two to four years of your life getting a degree if you don’t know how you’ll use it. What do you expect to learn? If you’re expecting to learn how to start or run a business, why aren’t you learning from business owners instead? There are hundreds, if not thousands of books available from business owners that will teach you their experiences, mistakes, and lessons. If you don’t have the time to work for a business, go read about it! Watch some videos on YouTube! Before you go back to college, you should do as much as possible to avoid the college route altogether. There are less time-consuming and more affordable options available.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash



AJ Krow

Personal Finance Teacher. Writer. Author. Aspiring Polyglot. Progressive Voter. Antitheist. Twitter @ajkrow_writer.